The Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters (FFPW) consists of the Research Institute of Fish Culture and Hydrobiology in Vodnany (RIFCH), the Institute of Aquaculture and Protection of Waters (IAPW) in Ceske Budejovice, the Institute of Complex Systems (ICS) in Nove Hrady and the International Environmental Educational, Advisory and Information Centre of Protection Vodnany (IEEAIC).
The RIFCH is focused on scientific and especially applied research, education and activities in the fields of fisheries and protection of waters. The RIFCH utilizes a small fishpond farm, river fishing preserve, specialized laboratories, aquarium rooms, two experimental facilities for research into reproduction, genetics and the breeding of fish, and the intensive breeding of fish and crayfish, including recirculation systems with water filtration. The IAPW provides research, educational and consulting services focusing on pond aquaculture, nutrition and feeding of fish in ponds and intensive culture of fish. The ICS deals with the study of complex systems in natural and social sciences, with technical and other applications of research results.

Name of the infrastructure: Laboratory of Fish Genetics and Reproduction and Hatchery
Location: Vodňany, Czech Republic
Website address: http://www.frov.jcu.cz/en
Contact: Vojtěch Kašpar


The Laboratory of Fish Genetics and Reproduction and Hatchery (GRC) – modern and multipurpose fish hatchery (with possibility of farming early fish stages, indoor tanks for preparation of broodstock for controlled reproduction, experimental fish rearing in special troughs and for work with young brood fish) with total area of 220 m2. Tap water used for egg incubation and fry nursing, two recirculation systems are cleaned through biofilters and sterilized by ozonizer and UV radiation. Water levels, water temperatures and oxygen saturation with control of preparation of technological flowthrough or recirculated water are monitored in the entire system with the use of technological reporting by means of GSM technology. Twelve circular tanks (6m3 in total) and four rectangular basins (12m3 in total) operated by two separated recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS) are used for rearing the yearlings. Two RAS (2 x 8m3) are ready for experimental preparation of broodstock for controlled reproduction. Laboratory of Reproductive Physiology, well equipped with microscopy and equipment for analysis of fish spermatozoa motility, cell and blastomere cryopreservation and micromanipulation and Laboratory of Molecular, Cellular and Quantitative Genetics, well equipped with aquaria rooms, microscopic and imaging systems, fluorescence microscopy and LSM Fluoview confocal microscopy, Partec flow cytometry, multichannel flow cytometry, DNA specific laboratory (e.g., PCR, gel electrophoresis and DNA sequencers - automated sequencing, semiconductor sequencing).

Services currently offered by the infrastructure

Reproduction related experiments - broodstock management and preparation for semi-artificial or induced reproduction, work with fish gametes, study of fish sperm motility, cryoconservation of fish gametes, flow-cytometry, light or fluorescence microscopy, image analysis, micromanipulations, transplantations of germ cells, genetic analyses (sequencing, fragment analysis, semiconductor sequencing).

Modality of access

The access will comprise the use of the facilities with regard to experiments and access to the laboratory equipment. Usually, trained and experienced engineer- and technical staff will carry out the standard procedures and the general maintenance. The external user will be strongly integrated in all processes, sampling, data recording, due analyses and assessment, and preparation and dissemination of results. Facility will provide suitable supervision and guidance for potential unexperienced users to properly carry out the work. Scientific support will include advice on experimental design and methodology, documentation of results for all experiments conducted in the project and appropriate sampling and storage of samples. The technical and management staff will be helpful with the overall project´s implementation.

Unit of Access

One unit of access for GRC is defined as 1 week. Typical duration of the project is 2 weeks for 1 researcher. The GRC unit of access consists of the preparatory work, reproduction of fish, incubation of fertilized fish eggs or work with fertilized gametes, micromanipulations and analyses of micromanipulations, cryoconservation of fish sperm, micromanipulations and transplantations of germ cells, juvenile breeding of hatched embryos or analysis of obtained samples in genetic labs.